2023 Summer Letter


Intermediate Poster
WMSTR Lifetime Member
Dear Ladies,

We can’t believe the show is only two weeks away! Rollag’s feature this year is honoring the Veteran’s and the Military. Steph and I have been getting the building visitor ready, but of course we’re down to needing the final “show ready” touches done. Cleaning weekend is the 26th, we’ll be there with “coffee” for anyone who joins us to get those final touches done.

Also, since we are all honoring Veteran’s and the Military, if you have anything you would like to share in the display cabinet, or a uniform for one of the mannequins, please bring those items with you. Please remember to have your name on your items. We want to make sure these precious items are returned to the rightful owners!

We are excited for this year’s show and to see everyone once again!

Cheryl and Steph