Large type view of the guidelines!

m kerkvliet

WMSTR Past President
WMSTR Lifetime Member
This it a larger type view of the guidelines for use of this web forum.

Please read them, and understand them! Any questions, get in touch with any moderator and they will be able to help you.

Administrators of this site will retain the right to suspend any members right to post and remove any posts at any time.

It is our intention to create an environment that will provide a place to promote member and association displays and topical discussion of all areas of our show.

Please remember that anyone with internet access will be able to view these posts. With that in mind all posts will be kept positive and informative. If in the view of the moderators of this forum any posts are in the form or brags (Mine is better than yours), brand bashing, inflammatory in nature, political in nature, inappropriate sexual content, or any other posts that are not in the best interest of the show will be removed.

Please remember these simple guidelines and enjoy this site!